Saturday, December 25, 2010


I think it might have been the first time hubby had to work on Christmas Eve, so F. and I were the only ones representing our family :)

It was fun though! They Boy got spoiled with gifts and attention, and I got spoiled with a little break.

We had a traditional home-made soup dinner yesterday, and ham and stuff today - everything was so yummy!

Hubby didn't get home till after midninght yesterday, because he decided to drive around after work, looking for any stores that might have been opened. He wanted to get more stocking stuffers for F. Everything was closed, of course, but it still was really sweet of him!

We played Santa when he came home, and it turned out that even without big stocking stuffers that we decided to wrap, F's stocking was pretty full!

It was awesome seeing his face in the morning. We woke him up, so he was super sleepy, but you could still see the smile on his face.

The big present was a hit! Even though The Boy didn't get as excited as we thought he would (we think he peeked/guessed what it was), he still loved it! He played with it all morning till we left to Grandma's house, and a lot after we got back.

excited for his BIG present!

Getting him to take a bath and go to bed was a big pain in the butt, because he didn't want to stop playing! :) The only thing that convinced him was his new constellation night light!


The good thing about having Christmas at somebody else's house is not having to clean up. The bad thing - you have to carry all the gifts upstairs!

But the reward of it is putting a bunch of pictures onto my new digital photo frame, and figuring out that I could transfer funds from my new Star.bucks giftcards to my old one. Now I can still keep going with the rewards without any waste :)

All in all, Christmas was pretty awesome, despite some minor stress. And I can not wait for MY big presents - I settled on 2 lenses for my camera! YAY!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you had a good christmas :) what lenses did you decide on?
